What Drinks Contain Erythritol? The Problem With Drinks With Erythritol

What Drinks Contain Erythritol? The Problem With Drinks With Erythritol

UPDATE: On August 8, 2024, another study by the Cleveland Clinic showed that erythritol — a common artificial sweetener found in many keto products including baked goods, beverages, gum and candy — can raise the risk of blood clots. 

Today, more and more “low calorie” and “sugar-free” options are hitting the shelves, as more people become conscious of their sugar intake and what they’re putting in their bodies. Many of these options are sweetened with erythritol, an artificial sugar substitute. 


These artificially-sweetened products are often touted as being a healthier choice, but is that really the truth? Today, we’re going to discuss why erythritol might not be the sugar-free answer we were hoping for, and the concerning health issues associated with this sweetener. 


We’ll also point out what drinks contain erythritol, in case you want to avoid these moving forward. As well as flagging drinks that contain erythritol, we’ll provide some better alternatives and introduce you to some incredible new diet drinks without erythritol - stay tuned! 


What is Erythritol?

In the quest for healthier dietary choices, erythritol has emerged as a prominent player. But what exactly is erythritol, and why is it in our drinks? Before we discuss what drinks contain erythritol, let's take a closer look at erythritol’s origins, production process, and popularity in the beverage industry.


How Erythritol is Made

Erythritol is naturally found in some foods like grapes, pears, and watermelon, but the erythritol used as a sweetener in products is typically made through a fermentation process. This process involves using certain types of yeasts to ferment sugars. 


As the yeasts consume the sugars, they produce erythritol. Once the fermentation is complete, the erythritol is then purified, resulting in a white crystalline powder that looks similar to sugar. 


Even though it looks like sugar, our bodies don't metabolize erythritol the same way. We don’t gain any calories from erythritol, and it isn’t used by our cells for energy production. This is why it first became a popular option for those looking to reduce their sugar intake. 


Popular Use: Why Companies Use It in Drinks

Erythritol has found its way into a variety of food and beverage products. One of the key reasons companies opt for erythritol as a sweetening agent in drinks is its ability to provide sweetness without adding extra calories. 


Also, erythritol doesn't cause the same sharp spikes in blood sugar levels that regular sugar does. This characteristic is especially beneficial for people who need to keep an eye on their blood sugar, such as those with diabetes. 


However, it's worth mentioning that while erythritol offers advantages in terms of calorie reduction and blood sugar impact, there are other aspects to consider. These include its taste, potential digestive effects, and overall nutritional profile. Let’s discuss that next!


The Reality of Drinks With Erythritol

Beneath erythritol’s sugar-free surface, there are some alarming health facts lurking. This artificial sweetener has become widely used, but is it safe? Let’s take a look at some of the biggest concerns surrounding erythritol and its effects on our health. 


Gastrointestinal Disturbances: Bloating, Gas, and Diarrhea

For some people, erythritol may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. Bloating, gas, and even diarrhea are reported side effects, especially when consumed in larger quantities. The reason behind this lies in how erythritol is metabolized in our bodies. 


Since it isn't fully absorbed in the small intestine, excessive consumption can lead to fermentation by gut bacteria, resulting in these discomforting symptoms. These are common intolerance to artificial sweeteners symptoms and are also seen with other sweeteners. 


Allergic Reactions in Sensitive Individuals

There have also been cases of allergic reactions linked to erythritol consumption. Sensitive people might experience symptoms such as hives, itching, or swelling. If you've had allergic responses to other sugar alcohols, it’s a good idea to avoid erythritol as it could cause a reaction.


Effects on Blood Sugar and Insulin Response

Originally, one of the reported benefits of erythritol was that it didn’t cause a spike in insulin, or affect your blood sugar levels. However, recent research now suggests that this isn’t the case, with artificial sweeteners shown to cause an insulin response.

This means that erythritol might not be suitable for those closely monitoring their blood sugar levels, such as diabetics or anyone on a keto diet. In fact, avoiding drinks that contain erythritol is a safer option if you fall into these categories. 


Alarming Cardiovascular Research

The most dangerous aspect of erythritol is its effects on cardiovascular health. Recent research has shown that elevated levels of erythritol and other sweeteners can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and stroke. 


In fact, the top 25% of people with the highest levels of erythritol were about twice as likely to suffer from a cardiac event, compared to the bottom 25% of people with low erythritol levels. Further research showed that this is because high levels of erythritol can cause potentially deadly blood clots.


What Drinks Contain Erythritol?

Now that you’ve got an idea of the serious health concerns associated with erythritol, you probably want to do everything you can to avoid this artificial sweetener! So, what drinks contain erythritol, and how can you avoid drinks with erythritol? Let’s take a look.


Diet Soda

What drinks contain erythritol? Diet sodas are perhaps one of the most well-known examples of drinks with erythritol. These carbonated beverages aim to replicate the taste of regular soda without the high sugar content. 


Erythritol steps in as a replacement, contributing sweetness without the caloric burden, but brings with it a whole host of potential health concerns as we discussed earlier. 


Flavored and Sparkling Water

Erythritol has become a popular addition to flavored and sparkling water, offering a refreshing and slightly sweet taste without the added sugars found in traditional soda or juice. 


These beverages are often marketed as a healthier alternative to sugary drinks, appealing to those looking for hydration with a hint of flavor. But at the same time, it’s hard to think of these beverages as “healthy” while erythritol is still on the ingredients list…


Iced Tea

Iced tea, particularly the ready-to-drink versions available in stores, frequently incorporates erythritol as a sweetener. This helps tea manufacturers reduce sugar content while maintaining the desired level of sweetness. 


Iced tea is often seen as a healthier choice than soda, but neither of these drinks with erythritol can really be considered healthy given the dangers that this sweetener can bring. 


Energy Drinks

Even energy drinks, which are known for their high caffeine and sugar content, have begun to explore erythritol as an alternative sweetening option to allow them to enter the “diet” market. 


The goal is to provide the energy boost without the intense sugar rush and subsequent crash, but adding artificial sweeteners certainly doesn’t make these drinks with erythritol any healthier.


Protein Drinks

Erythritol has also ventured into the realm of protein drinks, especially those marketed as fitness or health beverages. These drinks aim to provide a convenient source of protein for workouts or as a meal replacement. 


By making these drinks with erythritol, manufacturers strive to deliver a more palatable taste profile without the added sugars that can offset the health benefits of the protein content. But for anyone truly health conscious, the addition of erythritol should be a big red flag. 


Knowing What Drinks Are Sweetened With Erythritol, Are There Any Drinks Without Erythritol?

As you can see, drinks that contain erythritol are everywhere. The types of drinks made with erythritol include diet sodas, flavored waters, iced tea, and other drinks you previously probably thought were good for you. Sadly, drinks sweetened with erythritol are almost everywhere. 


But are there any drinks without erythritol? Yes, thankfully! As more and more people become aware of the health concerns associated with erythritol, there’s an increased demand for drinks without erythritol, and indeed other artificial sweeteners that bring similar health risks. 


Now that we’ve covered what diet drinks contain erythritol, let’s take a look at the healthier, safer option - drinks without erythritol. 


The Growing Demand for Drinks Without Erythritol

Amid the influx of erythritol-laden options, many consumers are becoming more interested in learning what diet drinks contain erythritol and avoiding them. The demand for drinks without erythritol is rapidly increasing, for several reasons. 


Firstly, many people experience digestive discomfort from erythritol, and other artificial sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame. Others have become aware of the recent research and alarming health concerns, and want to avoid drinks that contain erythritol to protect their well-being.


For some people, the taste of erythritol and other sweeteners is enough for them to seek out drinks without erythritol. The stevia taste, which is extremely bitter, has caused many people to opt for low-calorie drinks without aspartame, stevia, erythritol, or any artificial sweeteners. 


The bad reputation of other sweeteners, like stevia and the fact that it was banned, doesn’t help erythritol’s cause. Why was stevia banned? There were big concerns that it contributes to certain cancers and reproductive health. 


While certain formats of stevia are now approved by the FDA, it’s still controversial, and this has led to a distrust of other artificial sweeteners and the health risks they may bring. 


Enter Oobli Sweet Tea: A Refreshing Change From the Norm

If you’re avoiding the types of drinks made with erythritol, you were probably sad to see iced tea on our list. The good news is that not all iced tea contains erythritol! In fact, here at Oobli, we make an incredible low sugar tea without erythritol. Our secret? Sweet proteins!


Sweet proteins are naturally found in certain tropical fruits, and can be more than 5,000 times sweeter than sugar. This means that only a tiny amount is needed to give your favorite drinks a sweet kick, without the sugar content, insulin spike, calories, or unwanted side effects of sweeteners.


The benefits of sweet protein don’t stop there. These tasty proteins contain valuable antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties, making sweet proteins as a sugar substitute an obvious choice. Plus, when you look at how sweet proteins are made, they use far less land and water than traditional sugar production. 


Thanks to sweet proteins, we’ve been able to create the best low-sugar drinks without any artificial sweeteners. Our sweet iced tea is available in several different thirst-quenching flavors, contains only 7g of sugar per 16oz can, and you won’t find any weird ingredients lurking inside - only the good stuff! 


Next time you’re looking to avoid drinks sweetened with erythritol, give Oobli sweet tea a try - you won’t regret it! And if you still need a little something to satisfy your sweet tooth, our low-sugar dark chocolate bars are vegan, keto-friendly, and certified delicious!


Parting Thoughts on Drinks With Erythritol

So, what drinks contain erythritol? Unfortunately, the list of drinks sweetened with erythritol is a long one. Given the short and long-term health risks of erythritol, it’s understandable if you’re looking to avoid the types of drinks made with erythritol in search of healthier options. 


At Oobli, that’s exactly where we come in. We’ve harnessed the power of sweet proteins to bring you healthier, safer, guilt-free treats that can help you enjoy your favorite sweets without sacrificing your health, or your taste buds! 


If you’re ready to ditch artificial sweeteners and welcome a more natural way, give Oobli a try! 

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