How Sweet Proteins Reduce the Massive Tole of Sugarcane on our Planet

How Sweet Proteins Reduce the Massive Tole of Sugarcane on our Planet

Here's the thing: Sugar doesn't just wreak havoc on your body. It's equally detrimental to our planet.

Sugarcane takes a massive toll on our environment and precious ecosystems. Just how much land do we use to grow sugarcane? Well, a whopping 65 million acres of land across the globe are used for farming sugar.

We’re often so focused on the health impacts of too much sugar that we forget just how destructive sugarcane is to our world. We need a better solution that is pro-climate and takes into consideration our resources.

Just How Much? Here's the Truth

Just how much land is 65 million acres? That's almost the entire size of Italy! We're literally using an Italy-sized amount of land just to grow sugarcane, which in turn, is fueling an industry laden with high-sugar foods that contribute to our sugar addiction, increasing rates of diabetes, obesity and other chronic health issues.

This is about how much land is dedicated just for farming sugarcane.

And it's not just land. The amount of water needed and carbon produced when farming sugarcane is massive. 

So for every 1% reduction in sugarcane farming, we can save:

  • 525K acres of land. That’s 300,000 soccer fields!
  • 88B gallons of water. That’s 180K Olympic sized swimming pools!

  • 1M metric tons of CO2. That’s 260K passenger cars taken off US roads per year!


How Fermenting Sweet Proteins Spares our Planet

Sweet proteins are hyper-sweet plant proteins that evolved as a protein, not a carbohydrate, and they taste just like sugar. Oobli sweet proteins are produced without damaging the planet through a fermentation process (like beer, wine or cheese) to create a sweet solution that is not just eco-friendly, but also nature identical to what grows in the plants and fruits in the wild.

Because we use a groundbreaking technology called precision fermentation to produce our Oobli Fruit Sweet Proteins, we don’t have to rely on single-crop farming that can result in soil degradation and deforestation. We can produce sweet proteins locally through fermentation anywhere in the world with a low footprint. 

And our mission is also to reduce our dependence on sugar production. Sugar takes up huge amounts of land, uses tons of water, and is far from a regenerative crop. As in, sugarcane is often grown on steep slopes and hillsides, which leads to high rates of soil erosion and increased rates of water runoff. An estimated 5-6 million hectares of cropland are lost annually due to the severe soil erosion and degradation caused by sugar farming.

Producing sweet proteins through precision fermentation is an important first step to reclaiming the environment. Like we said above, even just a 1% reduction in sugar production saves about 525,000 acres of land. With precision-fermented sweet proteins, this sort of reduction isn’t some pipe dream; it’s a very real and crucially-important possibility.

Taste the Revolution for Yourself!

You can try the very first protein-sweetened products for yourself right now. Oobli's award-winning chocolates are a game-changer in low-sugar treats. Taste the revolution in sweets. 

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